Monday, September 8, 2008


So if there's one thing about being a mom that I think I'm pretty good at, it would have to be naptime. I may occasionally forget to feed my children (especially Bentley, since he is never hungry), and although I have great intentions of disciplining them and teaching them everything from the ABC's to the gospel, I'm afraid most of that hasn't exactly happened yet. But when it comes to getting my kids to nap, I'm a pro. Bentley usually takes a two hour nap (sometimes longer) and Kendra gets two of those, so at least they are well-rested!

Of course, this is also my greatest challenge, because it makes it really hard for me to ever leave the house. Like this morning-- I had great plans to go to Costco and possibly Wal-mart. I even thought about walking to Wal-mart (Costco is closer, but we need a gi-normous box of diapers, and I didn't want to try and get that home along with the two kids in the double stroller!)! But by the time I'd gotten Bentley and myself dressed, Kendra was getting fussy, which means she needs some sleep. And her naptime trumped going to the store. Maybe if the stuff I was planning to buy would have been stuff that we desperately needed, like if we were totally out of diapers, then I would have just kept her up. But when she's tired and getting cranky, there just didn't seem to be much point. So now Bentley is also napping, and I need to do the dishes and shower, and, time permitting, get a nap myself. Those are the three things that can only be done when Bentley is asleep. I suppose we'll get to Costco and Wal-mart some time later. Right.

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Wow, as I'm reading this Samuel is making squealing noises in his crib because he hates napping. Maybe you can work with him??