Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I can't swallow pills. At all. When I was in the hospital after Bentley's c-section, the nurses used to watch in fascination and horror as I would chew up my narcotics (percocet-- good stuff!) every four hours. It was gross, but worth it.

But, as you can imagine, I usually try to avoid medication whenever possible, because it's just not worth the taste. Or sometimes I'll even request the liquid version of things, which usually gets me weird looks at the pharmacy (one time the pharmacist was about to give me an infant dropper until she noticed the birthdate on the medication and realized the antibiotics were for me, not for Kendra). And, for obvious reasons, I've never been big on taking vitamins or any of that "healthy" stuff, because they usually make me want to throw up, which doesn't make me feel very healthy. But recently I discovered these:

And they're wonderful. I heart gummy vitamins.


Erin said...

I'm terrible at swallowing pills as well, unless they're coated so they don't dissolve as quickly. But unlike you I can't bring myself to chew them. I either crush them with a spoon and wash it down with something that tastes stronger than they do or I can sometimes manage if I just cut them in half. I loved the Costco chewable vitamin C - they actually tasted good!

Natalie R. said...

I still have a hard time, but I can usually do it. I've learned, though, that I have to use milk because if I can taste the pill at all, then it's NOT going down!

Nancy said...

I have no problem swallowing pills unless they are enormous and nasty tasting like prenatal vitamins. I don't think I could ever chew them, you are brave. I can remember my mom hiding my OLDER brother and sister's pills in their yogurt when I was little(I guess the naturally slimy texture of yogurt helped them slide down better, I don't know) and I made her hide mine in yogurt too so I could be cool like them.

Juliana said...

Personally, I'm a pill swallowing queen (out of all gifts to have, swallowing many huge pills at a time is easy...) but Rachael made it clear to be very early on that I was just weird.

BUT because as I am such a strong supporter of vitamins, (you've heard my dad talk about C!) I am also a strong supporter of gummy vitamins. Way to make a good thing avaliable to more people!