Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What Character Would You Be?

I woke up suddenly at 4:48am. Something was not right.

I listened for a moment and realized that I had accidentally gone to sleep with my door shut, the fan running, and the windows open-- a mistake I usually never make. With all three like that, there was no chance that I would hear Ryder if he woke up. I listened for one more moment-- yup, I could barely make out the sound of him screaming.

I quickly warmed up a bottle of milk, cuddled him while he guzzled it down, and put him back to bed. He slept super late the next morning, leaving me wondering just how long he'd been crying before I woke up? Sorry, baby!

Anyway. I can remember when my Mom used to read the Madeline books to me. I always related to Madeline-- I can picture me as a kid falling into the river, enjoying the attention I would get had my appendix ever needed to come out, and certainly not being afraid of the tiger at the zoo or mice. (I certainly have never loved winter, snow, or ice, though!)

But apparently, now, I relate more to Miss Clavel.

That's me! Or since these books take place in Paris, perhaps I should write, "C'est moi!"


Natalie R. said...

Good French at the end of your post!! ;0) Poor little Ryder, I've had times like that, too, when it suddenly dawned on me that I couldn't hear my baby nearly as well as I would've liked.

I just re-read Rebecca (a wonderful book!) and I kept relating to the narrator the whole book as she talked about being shy and gauche. It was pretty funny!

Patrice said...

It was fun being reminded of the Madeline books. I always loved reading them to you and your sisters!
Poor little Ryder-glad his own "Miss Clavel" was so good to him once she heard him!