Saturday, December 29, 2012

Small Change

Hey, all!  So I just wanted to explain one minor change I've made to this blog.  A while ago when (I think?) google bought out blogger, it somehow changed so that I didn't get any email notification when people left comments!  This means that I have, occasionally, been known to sit reloading my own blog in case there were comments that I wasn't seeing.  Which is a little on the pathetic side, I have to admit. 

So in order to not do that, I've given myself the power to moderate comments.  Which is totally unnecessary, because none of you has ever left comments that needed any censoring on my part.  You guys are great commenters! 

But hopefully this way I can get back to receiving an email if someone leaves a comment, rather than having to hit the re-load button.  Then I won't have to feel so lame, which would be nice.

Soon up-- the full report on Christmas!


Juliana said...

I've had to refresh my comment settings before, too. And I didn't know the Google-blogger relationship was new (I thought it was years old!) did I miss something?

Hope you had a great Christmas!

Emily said...

How can I NOT leave a comment on a post about comments??? Hope it works! OOOOO - and I LOVE that I don't have to figure out the secret two words that I somehow never get right on the first three tries, lol!

Nancy said...

You should be able to simply receive notifications about new comments. That's how mine is set up.

Natalie R. said...

That's why I have my comments moderated, too - just so I can get the email. :0)