Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cold & Flu Season Has Officially Begun

First Colton had a cold and a fever.  Then Ryder had a cold with a fever.  And while he was fighting that, Colton got pinkeye, too.

And just as they were getting better, we went to New York for Thanksgiving (which was awesome!!!  but that's a story for another blog post!), and now that we're back, they're both sick again.  And then last night, Kendra complained that her ear was hurting, so we're still waiting to see what's going on with her. 

Meanwhile, I'm at that point where all I care about is sleep.  You know what I mean?  Where you wake up plotting for when you can take a nap.  And you go to sleep at night full of dread because you know it's a matter of minutes before one of the kids (and you don't even know which one!) will wake you up and demand that you somehow make their cold less unbearable, although there's really not much you can do for a baby (or toddler, or even yourself) with a cold.  Fluids, try to rest, tylenol if there's a fever, and try to get through it. 

And all I want is sleep.  I nearly cried last night as Craig was dozing off and the baby wouldn't settle down and I knew that there was nothing I could do for him except hold him and hope he found that comforting.  And while I was holding him, Kendra began moaning again.

Oh, but it's miserable.


Patrice said...

My heart goes out to you and the poor sick little ones!
I hope they feel better quickly and that you can catch that much desired nap!

)en said...

Fatigue is the great Curse of life. Everything's bad when you're exhausted and nothing is good. I feel like I need a buddy to talk to when I'm over-tired, when you're at the point of crazy tears, just to sort out all the crazy and misery. You are a hero and a champion with 4 kids. 4 sick kids? I can't even imagine. Triple high five to you.