Saturday, February 29, 2020

Random February Happenings

So remember how I said that we'd been busy around here?  I guess it's time I got this blog caught up!
I was kind of proud of this artsy picture I took out my window-- I love the fog and the rain drops glistening in the tree branches

My friend Sarah taught me how to do my hair up like this...

And then when you take it out, you get these fun curls!

And while I'm on a selfie kick, I got this cute dress off Amazon and realized it needed red pumps.  This may be the most fashionable I've ever been!

We decided to throw a Super Bowl party, so here we are buying extra snacks for it.  Camille looked in our shopping cart and said, "We sure are wasting a lot of money!"  I've taught her well...

It turned out to be a pretty fun party, though, so that was good!
We got to visit Ryder's classroom and hear him read a book he'd written!

Camille and I like to eat artichokes together.  This time I even included Craig!

Camille explained to me, "The brontosaurus is saving the T-rex from drowning!"  That's a very nice Brontosaurus there!  Also, T-rex should know that he's not going to be a good swimmer with arms like that!

For an upcoming Relief Society activity, I have dutifully been folding origami dresses.  This is about as crafty as I get!

A lady in our ward gave us a bunch of hats that she knitted (crocheted?) so the kids are modeling them!

And me, too!

Pretty sunset, even in the winter...!
Camille and I visited Yoder's with my friend Kari and fed the goats!

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