Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A Few More Thoughts About Bentley's Mission Call...

So it's been over a week since Bentley got his call and I am still so excited for him!!!  The best thing was on Sunday when we chatted and he'd had a few days to process things and he was still over the moon about it, too.  Hu-Zzah!

Some of the things I'm most excited about:

-Since it's an American territory, it shouldn't be too hard to mail him stuff!

-He's only one hour off from us, which should make our weekly phone calls MUCH easier to schedule!

-Since he'll go to the MTC in Mexico, he'll still get a little experience that is actually foreign.  (He also needs to get a passport for this, which is sort of a pain, but I'm glad he'll have his passport now!)

(Side story: someone asked him if he was going foreign or not and he didn't know how to answer!  😂)

-He'll have to get to learn Spanish finally.  And he'll get to see how much better you can learn a foreign language when you a) have amazing teachers b) have the Spirit helping you and c) are dropped into that country and are suddenly both highly motivated to figure it out and being fully immersed in that language!

-His mission president was the COO of a company and has his MBA, so he's going to be a nice person for Bentley to begin networking with and learning from, if he's truly going to go into finance some day.

-The missionary couple serving there are friends with the mission president (he basically recruited them), so they're also probably great people to get to know!

-Craig found a video of the Puerto Rican missionaries welcoming new missionaries and singing "Called to Serve" and they were... a bit more raucous than we were on my mission?  But I think Bentley will enjoy this kind of energy.  It's good for him to not take himself too seriously!

-Now we have an excuse to go to the Puerto Rican Day Parade in NYC!  (Just kidding-- I've heard about what a nightmare that is-- there is no way we are EVER doing that!)

-I'm happy for him that he'll get to be somewhere warm!  Spending winter months knocking on doors is ROUGH.  I'm sure he'll be complaining about how hot he is and the rainy season will feel terrible.  But that has to be better than riding a bike in the snow!

And, the point I keep coming back to, but I'll say it one more time-- I'm just so pleased that he's excited.  That was really the thing I worried about the most, was that he would get his call and be disappointed by it.  That would have been tough for all of us, but especially for him.  My mama heart is thrilled to see her son so excited for this HUGE next step in his life!

At the Provo City Center temple (the same one Craig and I missed out on a few years ago!)

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