Thursday, July 31, 2008

Brotherly Love

Tuesday night, while I was teaching, Craig took the kids to the playground (something I avoid doing unless I have Craig's help, so he gets points for bravery!). Bentley was enjoying one of his usual games of climbing up this little hill there and then trying to run down it without falling too hard. He's something of a thrill-seeker, I guess. Anyway, Bentley then got the idea that he wanted to push the stroller, where Kendra was chilling. He likes to do this-- he pushes against the basket underneath, which will usually make the stroller go forward-- so Craig was helping him, but he kept insisting, "Fie Cah! Fie Cah!" Craig wasn't quite sure what this meant, until he realized that Bentley kept pointing first at the stroller and then at the hill. "Fie Cah" is what Bentley says when he sets up the couch cushions at an angle and then rolls his cars down them-- we've come to think of it as "flying car," although I have no idea if that's what Bentley is actually saying/thinking. Anyway, the meaning suddenly became too clear: he wanted to push Kendra's stroller down the hill! Craig laughed and told him that wasn't an option, but the whole thing makes me wonder just what Bentley would do with Kendra if his boring parents weren't hovering around getting in his way all the time...


Natalie R. said...

Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm just trying to help - I think you and Craig might be stifling Bentley's creativity. I think you should stop being so closed minded and see what your son can really do!!

(In case you couldn't tell, that was NOT real advice!) ;0)

Rachael said...

I agree with Natalie- you're definitely wounding Bentley's soul. :) Speaking of, we haven't watched About a Boy in far too long!