Saturday, May 23, 2009

Early Morning Shopping Spree

I am having a love affair with Old Navy flipflops. One of my friends mentioned that today (Saturday of Memorial Day weekend) they would be on sale for $1 each. I already thought they were a good price at $5 a pair, but this was nearly too good to be true! I'd been meaning to buy myself a pair ever since the weather warmed up, but with the sale, I finally had the motivation I needed.

I called yesterday to ask what time the store opened. The woman asked if I was coming for the flipflops, and when I told her I was, she said, "We open at 8:00am, and I would get here right on time if I were you. You're about the 100th person today who's called and asked!"

Since my kids are usually up by 7:00 these days, I figured that shouldn't be too hard to do. As it was, Kendra woke up early and Bentley slept late, so I left him at home with Craig and Kendra and I went out to buy us some shoes! I felt so feminine! Anyway, we got there a few minutes early and I put Kendra in her stroller and went to wait in line (I was proud of myself for thinking ahead on that one-- normally I would just use the store's strollers, but I realized that I didn't want to have to hold her the entire time I waited outside). Not being someone who really enjoys shopping, this isn't something I think I've ever done before-- waiting for a store to open, that is. I avoid Black Friday like the plague, to be perfectly honest. But really cheap flipflops... That's another story! By the time they opened the doors, there were at least 30 people (including some men) standing around waiting. The stroller forced me to be sort of obnoxious and push my way in, because otherwise everyone would have just gone around me. (I hope I didn't hit too anyone's heals!) And it turned out that they had plenty of selection and it was really easy to pick out the colors I wanted in the right size.

So I got white, green, bright yellow, hot pink, and fuschia flipflops. How fun is that? Fortunately for me, you were only allowed to buy five pairs. Who knows how many I might have bought otherwise? (Although there's also a chance that if there hadn't been that limit I may have bought less-- something about knowing you can get only one more pair makes you more likely to just buy it, huh? I mean, it's only a dollar, right...?)

I was home by 8:10. And happy.

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