Thursday, October 14, 2010

Update on my Identity Crisis

I'm afraid it's worse than I thought.

I made the book slings. (Well, no, I got friends to make the slings for me.) And then I attended the Relief Society Super Saturday activity, which-- ironically-- was a lot more of the same. I had signed up for three crafts. I did two of them, and then when I (verbally) realized I was running out of time, a great friend of mine offered to do the third one for me. And she did a great job, too.*

All this outside help is giving me a false sense of ability. I'm beginning to believe that I'm actually good at stuff like this. Which is why when my friend Shalane talked about starting a sewing group, I got all excited thinking about it. Partly because Shalane was showing me this cute apron that she'd made. And partly because my other friend Jen (who, you might recall, helped me out with the book slings, and so is completely at fault for feeding my false sense of confidence) showed me these little girls' dresses we could try making. And even more to blame is probably my friend Laresa who pointed out this skirt that I'm totally lusting after. And with all my new-found, completely unearned confidence in myself, I'm just itching to try it all.

Would somebody slap me, please? I keep having flashbacks of the Arrested Development episode where Gob is in prison with his father and tells him that he just wants them to play ball together. Without even looking up from his book, George Sr. mutters, "Great. Now you're an athlete." Someone probably needs to say something like that to me: Great, now you think you can sew.

But, um, if you don't want to do that, you could just lend me a sewing machine.

Or sign up to participate in and/or teach our new sewing group. Hint, hint. Anyone is welcome. Anyone who has ever sewn anything can probably teach me a thing or two! I'll be passing those sign-ups around at church on Sunday.

*I'd go into more detail about some of the fun stuff I got to make, but these were all gifts for family members, some of whom read this blog, so it will have to remain a secret for now...


Anonymous said...

Cute projects! I bookmarked that skirt for later! :) Good luck with your sewing group! Sounds fun.

Anonymous said...

I should say... it would be fun if we lived closer together, then we could make all these cute things together! You can even use ALL my stuff!

Andrea said...

Sign me up because I probably won't see the list. And Jen D. could probably help with the men's shirt one. She's been talking about making them forever.

Jenny said...

Hi Alana,

Your mom was at my house for an RS meeting this afternoon and she mentioned your Super Saturday activity. We're trying to think of a few easy to make projects that can be given as Christmas gifts for the ladies to make at our next RS activity and she suggested asking you what your ward did. Would you mind emailing me if you have any ideas you thought were particularly fun (and easy!)?



Natalie R. said...

Hmm, now I'm all excited to see what I might get for Christmas! ;0)

Juliana said...

I've always felt moderately crafty, I think, but lately several of my girlfriends-who claimed for years that they were NOT at all creative--have made lots of fun projects.

This makes me especially happy for two reasons: I am even more optimistic that I'll some time for hobbies I love after BYU, AND, I'll have more people to create with! I mean, if my friends who didn't start out with crafting goals are ending up this way... :)