Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Identity Crisis

I am deeply concerned. There is clearly something very wrong with me.

This morning, when Craig got up, I found myself lying awake thinking about: crafts. This is so beyond not normal for me I can't even begin to explain. The ONLY crafts I have ever done in my life were ones that were forced on me by the Church, either at Girls Camp or else at Homemaking (which then became Enrichment, and now doesn't exactly have a name). And most crafts, once I make them, end up sitting in a closet because even if they turned out okay, I don't usually know what to do with them. (There are a very few exceptions which are deemed worthy to be hung on my walls, but not very many...) It's not that I hate doing crafts, it's that I'm not particularly good at it, and I have absolutely NO imagination to come up with any of this stuff on my own. And I never think to look at blogs that tell me how to do these things. So pretty much the only way I do crafts is when someone shows me exactly what to do, and lets me go to it surrounded by friends with whom I can chat the entire time I'm working. Otherwise, I'd probably just rather read a book.

So what in the world is going on with me this morning? Why was I laying in bed plotting a trip to Michael's and possibly the fabric store? There are a bunch of women in my ward who I blame for this-- Nancy, Andrea, Delilas, Angie, Shalane, Emma, and Lia, to name a few. And Jeni and Laresa, although not in my ward, can share some of the blame, too. These women love nothing more than to pop out some ridiculously complicated item, talk about how simple it was, and then post pictures on their blog to prove how insanely talented they are, leaving people like me wondering what planet they must be from. It also doesn't help that I am currently in the throes of attempting to plan a super Saturday crafting day for these SAME WOMEN, who clearly already know way more about this stuff than I ever will. That's definitely gotten my brain going places it normally wouldn't bother with.

But the real kicker was this awesome book sling that Nancy mentioned on her blog. I originally dismissed it as being way out of my league. But the more I thought about it, the more I really, really wanted one. Two, actually, I want two. One to hang over Bentley's bed, and one to hang over Kendra's. I couldn't stop thinking about how perfect these would be. And so then I showed it to Craig. And when I showed it to him, I realized (how dense am I???) that this didn't even require sewing!!! Which is really good, because I can cut and paste and stamp and stuff like that, but I really cannot sew to save my life. But with this realization, it just seemed possible that I might be able to make this book sling after all.

And I also really want to try and make a Batman cape for Bentley's pajamas (they came with one, but I didn't realize what it was and threw it away. Now I feel guilty for that). (Again, no sewing involved-- just cutting some fabric into a bat-like shape and adding the velcro to the shoulders. That should be easy, right?)

And now I think I may have to try both of these.

What's become of me? Who am I turning into???


Jen Evans said...

I am right on board. Me? Crafts? But the Super Saturday crafts are an inspiration to us all. Am I allowed to do all of them? And if you make a book sling - call me! I want to make one too!

Anonymous said...

I've seen book holders similar to that only made with rain gutters. It was super cute. It was actually my cousin's blog I saw it on. Here's a link if you want to see what she did.


Nancy said...

I've made my share of capes as well if you want any help. Although mine all involve sewing, and forced me to learn to make a button hole. And buttoned around the neck rather than Velcro-ing onto pajamas. I have a nephew who is Will's age who wore a Superman cape EVERYWHERE from the time he was 3 until he started Kindergarten last year. And I'm a little bit intimidated by that book sling, but someday I'll get around to it. See, you're inspiring me too.

Nancy said...

Oh, and when you said you showed it to Craig, I thought you were going to make him be crafty for you. That's what my sister would do. Sometimes I love private blogs because my sister will never come across this comment.

EmmaJ said...

I think your nesting.

Andrea said...

I loved those book slings, too! I think all of my kids need one next to their bed. I can't wait to see it!

P.S. Really...it's that easy!

Angie said...

Be careful, it's addicting. The crafts will always get you in the end!