Thursday, April 28, 2011

Starting My Bucket List

Am I crazy for kind of wanting to see a real live tornado some day?

I also want to see the Northern Lights. I know those aren't nearly as scary, but keep in mind that I have a full-on fear of cold, so those might be as inaccessible to me as my other dream of seeing a blue whale and a great white shark. But not together.

Some day...


Oneup said...

Yes, you are crazy for wanting to see a real live tornado, especially if you didn't grow up with them. Thunderstorms in these parts generally scare the pants off of people who aren't used to them. Just last week I was ripped out of bed at 1am by fear that the window in the room I was in was going to crawl into bed with me. That followed by a good hour of tornado sirens was heartwarming because it took me back to my childhood, but it also reminded me that it's not surprising those things move entire houses! Maybe you could just watch one of the ones in a soda bottle instead?

Nancy said...

Yes. I'm a little miffed that we left Kansas (tornado central) and moved to a place without tornado sirens, and we've had more tornado warnings here in a year and a half (really, just the past month) than in almost 4 years in Kansas.

Natalie R. said...

Yes, you are crazy!! I remember being in South Carolina one time and a guy found out I was from Seattle. He said, "Wow, how can you live there with volcanoes?!" My response was, "There hasn't been a volcano since before I was born; how many hurricanes have you had since then?" Those scare the heck out of me!

Kim said...

During one of our tornadoes in Texas, as the family was huddled in the bathroom, I had a burning desire to run outside and watch the tornado approach. I was furious that my mother wouldn't let me.

So, yeah, I get it.

Katherine said...

I totally understand your fear of cold, and Devin would understand why you want to see a great white shark! So either you're not too crazy, or we all are very crazy :)