Monday, May 16, 2011

Solid Gone

Ryder, who has been the best sleeper in the world, started waking up two or three times at night. So I decided it was time to start him on the rice cereal. I really didn't want to do this yet. I read about a study that linked babies eating solid foods early to obesity, which had made me feel like a good parent for not starting Kendra on solid food until the day before her 6-month check-up. But my reasons for putting it off had nothing to do with that-- it's actually because I'm just lazy. I hate spooning food into a baby's mouth. I think it's my own fault-- I spoon-fed Bentley for way too long simply because I didn't want too big of a mess to clean up. And then by the time Kendra was old enough for real food, Bentley wanted me to keep feeding him because he didn't want the mess, either! So I spent a long time feeding two toddlers and completely burned myself out on it.

Which was why I had no intention of starting Ryder before he hit the 6-month mark.

But getting woken up that much was killing me, especially on some really special nights when Bentley or Kendra (or one time, both of them!) woke up in the night, too. Then I was pretty much a zombie. I think the worst was the morning when I almost cried as I sat feeding Ryder (again). That was the morning that Craig very gently mentioned that, even though I was exhausted, I should really try hard not to yell at the kids all day. I would have punched him if he hadn't been so right. As it was, it was really good advice, and I mostly heeded it.

Looking shocked by the solid food!

So with me slowly losing whatever semblance of sanity that I might have had with each passing night, Craig and I agreed that something had to be done.

So on Saturday I bought a box of rice cereal.

And then happy about it

And Ryder LOVES it. He's my first kid to actually eat the stuff on the first try! The other two both looked disgusted and vaguely insulted by the whole ordeal. I think part of the reason Ryder did so well was because (and I'm kind of proud of myself for thinking of this) I gave him spoons to play with in the last couple weeks leading up to his first feeding. So the feel of a metal spoon in his mouth didn't bother him at all. (I finally had to feed Kendra by putting rice cereal on my finger, she was so confused by that spoon!)

And an action shot

I should point out the irony-- it took Ryder forever to learn how to nurse properly. Even now he gets so easily distracted that I have to shoo the other kids out of the room if I want there to be any hope of him getting a good meal. But give the kid some rice cereal and he just goes to town!

While I'm going on and on about Ryder, I should also mention that he's also been rolling over about once a day. Not super consistent, but he's definitely getting it. These little babies learn so much so quickly!


Anna said...

Yay Ryder! We actually just tried some oatmeal with Luke, mostly because he looks so envious of our plates of food and tries to grab food off our plate. He doesn't like it though. Aaron didn't either. Here's to hoping for less wake-ups at night!

Natalie R. said...

That's pretty exciting, good job, Ryder! I'm glad he's taking to rice cereal so well! My kids have been totally opposite of each other. Within a few months of eating solid foods, Samuel wanted nothing to do with nursing, and he LOVED food right from the get-go. Caleb is going to be harder. It took him a while to warm up to solids, and he won't eat any of the cereals without something extra mixed in with it. He's going to be much harder to ween, too, I think - I'll tell you in a month how it goes!

Nancy said...

There's also probably a study somewhere that says not starting solid foods early enough causes obesity, or some other problem. I hate studies. My kids all started solids at 4 months because they were super skinny and the doctors thought it might help.

Andrea said...

Why do the parenting rules have to change so much??!! It's hard to keep up, isn't it? Tyler started at 4 months because that's what "the rule" was then. So all my kids started cereal at that age. I'm glad that Ryder is cooperating!

Alanna said...

I think the rules change so much because doctors are lame. But that could just be me and my "doctors always screw up my labor" issues. And Nancy-- I agree that most studies are fairly worthless. You just have to do what you think works for you and your baby. (So far he isn't sleeping any better, so my great idea is probably a bust! Drat!)

Tracy said...

I just pick the studies that support how I want to parent-its a good relationship. Here's to more sleep filled nights.

P.S. I had to start with 4 months on both my kids- here's to hoping to be able to wait for 6 mos with this one.

)en said...

Feeding Kendra with your finger reminded me of when I brought home a tiny kitten who wouldn't lick the milk from the bowl and i had to drip it into its mouth from my finger. So i totally get where you are coming from. Just kidding, don't you love when people compare pets to human children? I'm in such a mood today.

I will say, i enjoy reading your blog posts. I feel like they're totally not mom-boring at ALL. I can relate to you and your mom-ness, and for that i wish i could give you a real life high five.

Also: my word verification is lasily. It's british. And also how i'm doing all things today.

Anne said...

It's so refreshing to hear about other moms yelling at their kids. Sometimes I catch myself like, woah, is that me? And have to reevaluate.

Juliana said...

Ryder is too cute. Feel free to send him over to Seattle any time - especially now that he is a solid --food-eating champ! :)