Friday, May 20, 2011

This and That

I guess it goes without saying that the night Ryder decides to sleep 13 hours straight will be the same night that Kendra is up five or more times because she has caught Bentley's croup. Darn it. I never get any sleep.

On a happier note, I got to go to the temple for the first time since Ryder's birth! I realized that this was the longest stretch of not attending the temple that I've had since my mission! It was good to be back. I don't think I realized how much I needed a chunk of quiet, contemplative time in my life until I had it! (And thanks to my in-laws for being awesome babysitters and watching all three kids for five hours! You guys are brave!)

And finally, also unrelated: check out my Quote For Now. I don't know if people ever look at that or not (I only change it sporadically, so I can't blame you if you don't notice). But the one I just put up is particularly awesome. Don't you think?


Anna said...

I do like that quote. Sorry you're not getting any sleep (and that poor Kendra is sick!). But it's great that Ryder is sleeping well! Hopefully it'll continue after Kendra's all better. :)

delilas said...

I do read your quotes and that one is very true. I think you are wonderful and I am grateful I get to rub shoulders with you and your cute family. Thanks for all you do. :D

Juliana said...

I always read your quotes - I love them. This one especially! :)

YAY for the temple and Ryder learning to sleep. Hope you can sleep soon, too!

Natalie R. said...

Excellent quote, I like it a lot! I'm sorry you didn't get much sleep that night, I hope all of your kids are sleeping better now (and that Ryder is continuing to sleep so well)!!