Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I have learned that the lower my expectations, the happier I usually am.  That may seem like a pessimistic approach to life, but it's what works for me.  On the days that Craig tells me he should be able to come home early, only to discover that he has a faculty meeting he forgot about, nothing but a hefty dose of chocolate can assuage my disappointment.  But when he tells me it's going to be a late day and then makes it home in time for dinner, I'm overjoyed.  So Craig and I both know to keep things on a realistic-to-negative spot on the optimism spectrum.

But somehow I forgot to do that for the first day of summer vacation.  I mean, I've been looking forward to this day since...  Well, since September, if I'm perfectly honest.  I LOVE summer vacation!  I love having free time, I love having my husband around, I love not having things so scheduled.  And I love the warm weather and not needing to have the heat on and be bundled up in twenty layers of clothing and take 20 minutes dressing and undressing the kids every time we step out the door.  I am a summer-time person through and through.  So it's nearly impossible to not have my hopes up for that first glorious day of freedom.

And it started out well enough.  Craig's last day was yesterday, and he got home just before his parents arrived to take us to dinner for a nice, slightly belated Father's Day celebration at the Cheesecake Factory.  And the kids were even well behaved the entire time we were there!  But then last night Ryder decided it was time to stop sleeping again, and woke up crying at 11, 12, and 1.  This made me decide to cancel my morning run with Vangie, which turned out to be a bad idea.  No matter how good my excuse, every time I cancel that run, I always hate myself for wussing out.  So I was annoyed with myself.  And then Bentley and Kendra woke up way too early and were grumpy.  And I ran into the furniture trying to get them and was grumpy.  And Kendra had diarrhea...

And I decided we needed a do-over.  I want my first morning of summer back!  I want to try that again!

That's not really possible for another year.  So I'll do the next best thing, and focus on some of my favorite things instead.  So here's a hodgepodge mess of things I really like.  Maybe they'll lift your spirits as much as they do mine.

This was posted on The Apron Stage, one of my favorite blogs of all time.  I nearly cried when the blog stopped.  I don't know who painted this-- if you know, please tell me!  I only know that I find it exquisitely beautiful.

Another picture of Bentley's kindergarten graduation.  This one was taken by Wanda, who had a much better seat than I did...
Remember our groundhog?  Well, this year, she had twins!  Aren't they cute?  Good thing I never got around to planting that garden...

For a Father's Day present for Craig, I managed to take this picture of him with the kids.  Of course, after I took this picture I spent another hour trying to get a better one.  But the first one turned out to be the best, so I went with it.

This is from a couple months ago-- nothing makes me happier than my kids reading!

Bentley helping Kendra get ready for church.  What a good older brother!  I like that they both still have wet hair from their baths...

And finally, have you heard of Il Volo, who are basically the Three Teenage Tenors?  I hadn't, until my friend Anni showed me this video.  How adorable and talented are these boys?  Watch and see!  (Or, if the fact that my blog always cuts off the right-hand side of the video, click here to view the entire screen.)  Only Italy could produce boys like this.  (Sigh.)

Okay. After all that, I'm feeling better about life. I can take a deep breath and remember that summer vacation isn't ruined by a lousy start. How could it be?

1 comment:

Patrice said...

Always look at the bright side of life..... (I'd try to sing it to you if I could!). Good for you for finding the happy things around you! Adorable of Bentley helping Kendra-Picture of Craig & kids is wonderful!