Monday, July 21, 2014

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Nap to Bring You This Important Blog Post

I feel like a lot's been going on around here, and I haven't blogged about any of it.  So I'm sorry about that.  In my defense, I've been very tired.  As in, I'm pretty sure I took three naps today.  (Also in my defense, people kept waking me up.)  And Craig keeps me up too late.  And the kids wake me up too early.  So between it all, I'm sort of a zombie.

But the blog must go on!


Anyway, maybe tomorrow I'll blog all about our trip to Assateague.  For now, as a "teaser," I'm just going to share these pictures of Ryder looking crazy.  Because he does it so well... 

These were all taken our first night there, when Ryder absolutely would not go to sleep.  In desperation, Craig finally walked him around the campsite, hoping this would help burn off some of the energy that sleeping in a tent had created.  It didn't really work, but it was a nice idea.  And they saw horses, so that made it worth while!

Okay, so this smile is kind of cute

And I like the look on his face here-- you can tell he knows he's getting away with something
Not quite as cute, but whatever

Ooh, but baby horses are cute, so this is nice!
And here we make the jump to all-out weirdness.  Ryder looks absolutely nuts.
And that's my son!

More on Assateague to follow!  And then Scout camp!  And Craig's aunt and uncle visiting!  And anything else I've forgotten to tell you about!

But right now, I need a nap.

1 comment:

Patrice said...

Ryder is a hoot! And the baby horse looked so cute!