Thursday, February 25, 2016

Quick Update (or, Excuses on Why I've Not Been Blogging. Take Your Pick.)

Things have been busy around here.  We celebrated Camille's birthday and then Kendra's birthday.  And since she didn't get one last year (Camille's birth and all), I figured we owed it to Kendra to let her have a party this time around, so we did that, too.  Then it was the Blue & Gold dinner for the cub scouts.  I got word that I would be released at the beginning of the month, but with the caveat that I keep working at it until after this banquet, so this had a sort of closure for me and it was a huge relief to finally have it done and checked off the list.  And then coming up this Sunday is Kendra's baptism!

For her baptism, I've got my parents and two sisters (plus one husband and three children) all flying in.  I'm beyond excited to see everyone again, but this also means cleaning my house.  And the more I look around, the more I keep discovering smudges all over my walls which leaves an inner monologue running through my mind:  How have we managed to damage this poor house so much in so little time????  Why are my kids so filthy???  How have I not taught them better than this???

So right now I'm in cleaning mode.  Next week, I'll get back to blogging mode.  I might even post pictures from some of these events!

Wish me joy and cleanliness with it all!

Oh-- and here's one picture I can't resist sharing right now:
Now that she no longer naps during church, the drive home is too soothing to resist


Jen Evans said...

Oh sweet baby face. Sleeping children are beautiful. And quiet.
Mr clean magic erasers clean walls with little trouble.

Erin said...

Mal has a serious problem confusing our walls for a napkin. Drives me crazy. And I swear, now that we own a house, the kids have redoubled their efforts to break everything they can. Ugh. Good luck cleaning! And have a wonderful time with your family!