Friday, December 2, 2016

Camille the Outdoorswoman

Camille is an outdoorsy little soul.  If anyone goes outside, she begs to join them, pleading, "Ow-shy!!!  Ow-shy!!!"  And her favorite time of the day is when it's time to go to the bus stop to pick up her siblings and she gets to run around on the sidewalk.

It's funny, because I think there was a time when I thought of myself as being outdoorsy, but eventually I realized that I'm really not.  I like the idea of being outside.  I love reading about nature.  But when I'm actually in the great outdoors, I'm usually too hot or too cold or there are bugs or it's too bright to read...  I'm kind of a wimp.  Not that I hate being outside, or something-- it's just not usually the zen experience I've managed to picture in my head. 

But I like that Camille likes being outside.  I'll have to be careful not to quash that in her.  (Maybe she'll help me learn to genuinely like it!)

About a month ago, we were having an outdoor evening-- Craig and I were sitting in camping chairs in the driveway while the kids played with balls and scooters and such.  Suddenly, a gust of wind picked up and scattered the leaves all around us.  Camille took one look, raised her arms in the air and began all-out screaming for joy.  She couldn't get enough of the leaves blowing in the wind!  Every time it happened, she'd start screaming again.  (And it really was happy screaming, which parents know is a pretty rare thing!)

So, yeah, she's likes being outside and she likes sports (well, balls, at least).  It will be fun seeing where this girl goes in life!

Just, you know, hanging out in the driveway

1 comment:

)en said...

Oh man. Screaming spurred by the sheet thrill of weather and nature is like the stuff of life for me. So adorable in a little squirt.