Tuesday, August 30, 2022

First Day of School!

School began last Wednesday, and even though part of me was very excited to get back to my routines (and maybe just a few less cups scattered all over my kitchen?), I'm also always kind of sad to get back to the grind.  All these mixed emotions!

The first morning was so hectic that we forgot to get a picture of everyone!  D'oh!  In my defense, it's really tricky when everyone has different departure times!  And for reasons that I can't remember now, I'd decided to go to work that day, too, so I was also trying to get myself out the door.  Seriously, why didn't I just stay home and enjoy the peace and quiet???

Anyway, this is what we DID get:

Camille, Colton, and Scarlett (who moved back from Florida!) at the bus stop

Ryder is in middle school now!  And Kendra is in high school!

And Bentley is an upper classman! 😱
Goodness, these kids are growing up fast!

1 comment:

Patrice said...

Hope the school days are going well! I loved the pictures. So fun to see Bentley so tall and watch everyone else growing up!!