Tuesday, August 2, 2022

July 23rd

Right after my birthday comes Craig's birthday!  And his birthday was BUSY this year!  It was our ward Pioneer Day celebration AND at the last minute our friends the Nowaks came from DC to visit!  So it was all very fun, but there was a lot going on.

We celebrated Craig's birthday first thing in the morning... as soon as he woke up!  Because, of course, the best part of your birthday is getting to sleep as late as you want!  He opened his presents and cards and enjoyed Camille being his birthday unicorn!

She also made him a birthday crown

Colton and Camille, who call themselves the CCs, had decorated Craig's box so it was from CC Prime.  They crack me up!

Then the Nowaks and Patchetts arrived!  We hung out for a bit, ate lunch, and then went to the pool for a couple hours.  It was perfect pool weather.
We had to wrap it up before too long, though, because we needed to help set up for Pioneer Day.  This was held at the Snow's farm, just like usual, and despite the heat, everyone had a great time.  There were lots of people I didn't know, but I was so sweaty, I will admit that I was not as friendly as I usually would try to be...
The shade and the fans may have saved a few lives...

Bishop Smith was manning the grill.  He insisted that I was NOT ALLOWED to tell people it was his birthday.  And I complied only because I understand that what makes Craig happy is not the same thing as what would make me happy.
Here's everyone lining up for the slip-n-slide, which was a huge success (as always):

Camille had already gone without Craig, so she was just humoring him here
They also had a zipline, which everyone enjoyed.  I was wearing a dress, so I didn't bother with it, but next year I need to remember to wear shorts so I can do it, too.  (I avoid the slip-n-slide because everyone's legs get chewed up in the grass at the end.  I don't need that kind of pain in my life.)

And then we had the best luck: right as everything was supposed to end, it clouded up and got super windy so everyone hurriedly packed and left.  And it somehow didn't rain even though I would have bet money it was going to!  So we ended right on time and left at a reasonable hour AND didn't get rained on!  But we got to enjoy a gorgeous sunset as we drove home!

Craig had requested these cookies rather than cake (and I'd made them the night before), so we ate those once we were home.  It was a good day!  Happy Crazy Birthday, Craig!


Erin said...

Happy Birthday Craig! Gorgeous sunset!

I always resented Pioneer Day because it felt like Utah Mormons foisting their state holiday on everyone else (my ward growing up had 4th of July celebrations until pioneer day suddenly became a thing out of nowhere - I'd never heard of it until my high school years). Still makes me bristle every time it's mentioned, but maybe that's just me? I think I was also extra sensitive to such things because of the large number of Utah Mormons who would move to our area, decide before living there that they hated it, and try to tell us all how we were doing church wrong in "the mission field" without realizing that what works for a youth group of 50 won't necessarily work for a group of 5-10. Might have just a touch of lingering bitterness over those types, haha!

Alanna said...

I think Craig must feel the same way, because they never actually called it Pioneer Day, I just called it that on the blog!

Remember all the Micron families moving to Manassas for 6 weeks, dropping babies, and then testifying that the church was true "even in the mission field" before they went back to Utah, never to step foot out of that state again? THAT got annoying!

I tried daring Craig to bear his testimony in Utah and saying that the church was true "even here!" but he just elbowed me and said I was inappropriate...

Erin said...

Omg, I do remember that - so annoying! And where is Craig's sense of humor?! That was a brilliant idea and now I'm sad it wasn't executed. :)