Sunday, August 17, 2008


So Bentley has some new favorite games. The first is to point at the place in the bathroom where he fell off the counter and say "Fall!" Thanks, Bentley. Just twist that knife a little more, why don't you?

The next one is his duck stuffed animal that does (get this) the chicken dance. He suddenly LOVES turning it on and flapping his arms along with it. Occasionally he gets more creative and does things such as shoving pennies into the duck's beak. Poor duck!

He also enjoys hiding. As I was typing this he managed to cram himself behind the couch and where we keep the TV. (He got stuck, actually, so that tells you how hard it was to get back there.) Closets and behind furniture are all fair game, as is underneath the crib. Fortunately when I pull him out from under the crib he's very good about keeping his head down... He also tries to hide behind the vertical blinds over the sliding door-- not one of his more successful places to hide, but I give him points for creativity!

And finally, he's figured out how to buckle things, so whenever he notices anything that has somehow been left unbuckled, he needs to stand there and buckle it. This includes his highchair, Kendra's swing, and Kendra's carrier. Then, once he's finished, he will point to it and proudly announce, "Buckie!" When I'm feeling generous, I'll go and unbuckle them all so he can have the pleasure of doing it again. Bentley enjoys life!

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

It really is the simple things in life, n'est-ce pas? It sounds like he's one happy kid, I can just picture him running around doing all of these. :0)