-The Superhero Stretch. This usually happens when I pick Ryder up under his arms after feeding him. He'll curl his legs under him, put one fist under his chin and stretch the other one out. He looks like a mini-superman. (Makes sense, if you remember that his father is so mild-mannered!)
-Newborn Noises. Even crying is sort of hard to take seriously in a newborn, but especially Ryder's cry, because when he gets worked up enough, he'll begin to snort. Kendra was the same way. According to one of the nurses, that's what happens to babies that have quick deliveries: they don't get all the gunk squeezed out of their lungs, so they tend to snort. Whatever the reason, it cracks me up every time. Ryder is also getting good at making that funny chuckling noise in his sleep.
-Those funny half-smiles. Someone decided that newborns smile in their sleep when they have gas. Talk about a killjoy! And I don't believe it for a second. Does that even make any sense at all? Not really. I think he's smiling because he's got a full tummy and is enjoying his sleep. I would, too. Maybe I do? In any case, they're adorable and I love it when I see those smiles flicker across his face.
-The rare occasions when he's actually awake. He just looks around with such a stoic look on his face. Ryder manages to do this with his mouth closed tight, which I think adds to the stoic-ness. Stiff upper lip and all that.
-Letting them sleep against your chest. They only do it for a month or two, but it sure is cozy and snuggly. How does anyone ever set them down when they're sleeping like this?
-Watching him move and remembering feeling those movements inside me. This is especially true of the small wiggly movements-- stretching his back to one side, and things like that. It makes me miss being pregnant (but don't worry-- not enough to do anything about it)!
-Usually when I burp Ryder, I lean him against my chest and he'll throw one arm around mine. It's the sweetest gesture and he is completely unaware of it.
-The other day I was holding him, and he linked pinkies with me. I made Craig take a picture.
It's a beautiful thing, this baby love.
So cute!! :) I want more pictures!! :)
Those are all excellent things to appreciate, yay for cute little baby boys!!! :-D
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