Monday, December 20, 2010


I'm pleased to announce that I managed to bring all three kids with me to the doctor's this morning for Ryder's three-week checkup. All four of us were dressed and fed, and we even arrived on time. I'm pretty proud of myself. And I'm really relieved to have it done with.

I wish I could say that next on the list was a trip to the grocery store, playing in the snow with the kids, cooking a fabulous dinner, and possibly putting in some volunteer hours at the local homeless shelter. But the truth is that that one outing has me beat. I'm in my pajamas now (but I have showered, at least!) and will feel pretty accomplished if I manage to blow dry my hair. If I'm really feeling energetic, I might do the dishes from yesterday. Maybe.

What accomplishments are you proud of for today?


Tracy said...

My big accomplishment for the day-posting this comment on your blog. Haha! (see, I do still read it.) If I don't see you before Christmas, Merry Christmas! (Hopefully, I will though)

Natalie R. said...

That's very good, way to go! It's hard getting out the door all by yourself when all of a sudden you have an extra kid with you.

Nicole said...


it's hard enough to make it out and about with just one kid. i am duly impressed.