Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Time for another, "It Goes Without Saying" post

It goes without saying that the time my neighbors drop by and actually come inside my house will be the same day that I decided on a whim to organize my pantry. Kitchens look so much better when there are canned goods stacked on every surface!

This same rule of physics was also in motion the day that I decided to "tidy" the kids' room by simply throwing all the clothes on the floor into their closet. This was the same day that my mother-in-law helped Kendra get her sweatshirt. From her closet.

Why do I always get busted on these things?

Or, perhaps more to the point, why do I keep trying to get away with them anyway?


Natalie R. said...

It's so true - people always come over whenever things happen to look the worst!!!

Natalie R. said...

Oh yeah, here's another example - how about when you know you desperately need to go to the grocery store, and you know you have to do a thorough cleaning of your apartment before your new baby comes, and so you plan on doing all of those after your regular check up that morning. Next thing you know, you're heading to the L&D to be induced, and your older sister and her family are arriving at any minute at your horribly messy apartment that has no food?! Talk about being caught unawares... ;0)

And yet when I got home from the hospital somehow my cupboards were stocked and my apartment was clean - thanks again for that!!!!