Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting Prepared

Remember all that rain we had last week? That was the first week of school, and it turned out that our one little, half-broken umbrella was NOT sufficient to herd me and three children to Bentley's school and back. We got drenched several times. Craig and Bentley got super-soaked once, and they'd driven! But the saddest was the day I got home and looked at how little Ryder's stroller's sun visor protected him from the rain: he was so wet, and had that shocked look that just screams, "Why is someone dripping water all down my face?!?!" So pathetic!

I finally found a chance on Friday to remedy all this: I managed to get to Toys R Us without any kids, where I found a plastic cover for the stroller, and two umbrellas as well-- one huge one for me and a kid, and a smaller pink one for Kendra to hold by herself.

I'm pretty sure that by doing this, I made the weather turn gorgeous all week long. I would not even be surprised if it hardly rains all fall and winter now. And I'm totally okay with that: $40 well spent, in my book!

So the next time you wake up and it's a beautiful fall day, all I can is: You're welcome!


Erin said...

I just love how that happens. Like every time this summer I've looked at the forecast and thought, "it's not supposed to rain for a few more days, I should water the garden" and then it proceeds to rain the very next day. I've been horrible about watering this month and we've had almost no rain. Everyone in Seattle can thank me for the gorgeous August weather. :)

Natalie R. said...

I'm glad that you're so prepared now!! Walking in the rain with kids isn't nearly so bad once you have all the right rain gear. :0)