Thursday, September 15, 2011


-I noticed smeary marks all over the TV. I asked the kids if they were getting it wet. They denied doing anything, so I prodded a bit more, "Maybe, did you use a wet washcloth on the TV?" No, they answered, they just licked their hands and then rubbed their hands on the TV. My kids were literally eating dust... Gross.

-Ryder has figured out how to get himself in a sitting position! He's also been crawling for a few weeks now (did I already mention that one?). Not real crawling-- he's just scooting around on his tummy. But he gets everywhere he wants to go that way.

-Kendra is hoping to enter Olympic events for being the slowest at doing everything. Seriously. If she walked any slower, she'd be going backwards. I have got to learn to leave to pick up Bentley with an extra five or ten minutes to account for Kendra speed. Otherwise I spend the entire walk yelling at her/trying to urge her to just hurry up a bit. It's so painful.

-I got my roomba! I finally talked Craig into letting me buy one, only to discover that they didn't have any more at Costco. Before I threw a kicking screaming tantrum (a technique I've learned from my kids), I checked with the manager to find out if they'd be getting more. There wasn't an order for more, but he said that the Fairfax Costco still had 38 as of that morning, so off to Fairfax I went! I love my roomba SO much. We've named him Dustin'. And he's great, both as a vacuum and as a babysitter. I'll probably have to tell you all the pros and cons about him in a different post. One of these days...

-Ryder also loves Dustin'. He will crawl over to the roomba and then hit it until it turns on and mommy hears the noise and comes running. Then we build a pillow fort around Dustin' in order to protect him from Ryder.

-Also speaking of love, Bentley is loving kindergarten. His only complaint is that he wishes he could stay in his pajamas. My only complaint is that he keeps insisting that one of the girls at his table is named Hades. I really really hope that he's just hearing that one wrong. Because otherwise that's completely weird.

-Now that Bentley is gone for a good chunk of the day, Kendra is showing a little more interest in Ryder. Just now they were playing together while I typed this! Craig suspected this might be the case...

-The other night, I managed to run 1.5 miles without taking any breaks! Never before in my life could I have claimed to have that kind of stamina. I'm kind of excited about this whole "being in shape" thing!

-And even better than the run, when I came home, the house was super clean! I hadn't managed to do any cleaning all week, so this was a lovely surprise. Not only had Craig put toys away, run the roomba, cleaned off the table, and done all the dishes, he had also organized the shoes in the coat closet and put Ryder's baby swing and bumbo seat up in the attic! Clearly, I need to be away from home more often...

-... which I'm doing this weekend! Ryder and I are taking off for San Fransisco tomorrow! I've never been before, but I have a sister with a new house and a slightly-less-new baby to see AND a friend's wedding to attend. Both were good reasons to go, but put them together and I really couldn't say No. I hope Ryder can be as happy sitting on a plane as he usually manages to be...

-And last but not least, to begin thanking Craig for cleaning our home and letting me abandon him for a couple days, I made these cookies today. All I can say about them is: Wow. I should probably try to go running again tonight, huh...?


Nancy said...

Linus told us there was a kid in nursery named Santa. We still haven't figured out which kid he was talking about. Have fun on your trip! We went through that airport on our way home which was hard on Ella because we were so close to the Charles Shulz museum and couldn't go.

)en said...

Love Dustin'. I wish my name had an apostrophe in it.

Natalie R. said...

That's a whole lot going on!!! I'm glad it's all good things (and maybe by the end of Bentley's first year of kindergarten, Kendra will get a little faster...) ;0)