Saturday, September 10, 2011

More of Bentley's Artwork

Bentley continues to churn out artwork for us and everyone who will accept it. And I'm too impressed not to keep sharing it here.

First, we have this, from his first week of kindergarten:

I asked Bentley to explain his drawing of himself, and he told me that that's him, wearing his Batman clothes, and next to him is the Batcycle. Of course-- I can barely recognize the kid without his trusty Batcycle!

This is the T-rex attacking the stegosaurus from Fantasia

And, perhaps my favorite of all: he created a flower (complete with a bee-- the orange, pink & yellow cars) out of his cars.

Not only is he an artist, he's already experimenting with different mediums for his artwork!

And now, because they're feeling left out, here are pictures of Kendra and Ryder as we wait to pick Bentley up from school:


Rachael said...

I am super impressed by the flower made out of cars! And I love that there's a bee next to it, so detailed.

Natalie R. said...

That's some awesome artwork! I'm impressed with how good he is at drawing, and I love his new mode of art, too!