Monday, October 10, 2011

Dieting Dos and Don'ts: A Quick Review

Here's what you should do when dieting:

-Set goals
-Think positive
-Make yourself accountable to someone
-Eat really healthy food
-Exercise portion control

Here's what you should not do:

-Volunteer to make cookies for the Young Women in Excellence program (on Tuesday)
-Let your husband volunteer you to make cookies for the Elder's Quorum Pizza Party (on Friday)
-Let your husband decide that-- just in case-- you should triple the recipe
-Then, decide that it's too boring to make three of the same thing, so decide to double the first one and try out this recipe. Just for the heck of it.

This is also a really bad way to stick to a grocery budget (especially when it was a week to buy diapers!). But I guess I should just be glad, since last year Craig decided we should provide all the meat for the Elder's Quorum activity. Why does he think we have the money for stuff like this?

And that's just one of the reasons I'm having such a hard time losing those last ten pounds...

I'm not the only one struggling with this, am I?

*Special thanks to my friend Jen for letting me weasel out of making soup for this week's Soup-er Saturday! I hadn't realized how much baking I was going to be doing this week when I signed up for that! If she would have held me to that one, I think I might have had a nervous breakdown...


Nancy said...

The chocolate peanut butter cookie bars are seriously DElicious. Mmmmm.

Natalie R. said...

Glad it's going so well!