Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Nice Slice of Humble Pie

Okay, I'll just admit it: I've been feeling pretty good about how I look right now in this pregnancy.  Sure, I've got the tummy thing going.  But it really looks like a pregnant tummy and not like a "boy, that girl must have eaten a big lunch" tummy.  And I'm not to the point where random fast food people want to tell me that I look like I'm about to pop or (personal favorite), that in a few weeks time I will really "have a shelf."  (Yup, some woman said that.  And then she told me that I should have just bought a doll instead.  Now where was she with the great advice 8 months earlier???)

So, yeah.  Maybe I've been a little too proud of myself.  When the doctor commented that my weight gain of 13 lbs was "not bad" I actually corrected him and pointed out that, for a woman who averages 50 pounds per pregnancy, putting on 13 pounds in half the time was dang good, thank you very much.  He quickly corrected himself and said I was doing great.  Smart man.

But in the last two days, I have had two people ask me-- as they're telling me how great I look!-- if I'm due in January.  Um, no, I'm due in March.  Two months later.  I'm only at 23 weeks.  I'm not even close to being into my third trimester yet.

Which leads me to wonder if I'm not doing quite as well as I thought...  And then I have to cheer myself up by eating cookies and cupcakes and chocolate cheerios.  Probably not the *best* way to remedy the situation.

Ah, well.  Tomorrow I'll be good.  Really, really good.  Nothing but fruits and vegetables.



Anne said...

SO hard to avoid treats during pregnancy...for some reason it sounds so good...Wait, this is me all the time, pregnant or not!

Nancy said...

For what it's worth, I don't think you look that far along at all. You look like the "oh, turns out she's pregnant" stage of pregnancy. Where it's obvious you are pregnant, not fat, and still really early along.