Monday, November 5, 2012


I have been getting so keyed up about the upcoming election.  So it was really nice to read this blog post from Middle-aged Mormon Man to help me keep things in perspective. 

So now I'm trying to remind myself:  It's okay for people to disagree with me.  {Breathe.}  No matter what happens, everything will still be okay.  {Breathe.}  I love my neighbors no matter how ill-informed I think they might be (and I keep in mind that they surely think I'm the one who's ill-informed).   {Breathe.}  There are more important things than politics.  {Breathe.}

Only another couple of days of this.  {Breathe.}  I can survive.  {Breeeeeeeathe.}

Don't forget to get out there and vote, everyone!  (Yes, even if you're voting for the other guy-- I still want you to exercise your civic duty!)


Patrice said...

Good Advice!! BREATHE!!! Hope we are celebrating tomorrow night!

Nancy said...

You're the opposite of me. I was hoping all the people giving up on the long lines were democrats.