Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dazed and Confused

So it's almost been a month since I posted anything.  (That last one doesn't count, since I didn't write it.  Although I did upload all the photos for Craig.  You're welcome.)  And I have a bunch of things to tell you about-- people visiting us and us visiting people and stuff we did with those people.  But somehow I'm having a hard time focusing enough to upload the pictures necessary, so it just isn't happening yet. 

Blame it on the pregnancy.  Blame it on Craig being home, doing projects around the house and leaving me stuck taking care of the kids (and I can't even be annoyed because he's accomplishing stuff I would never bother doing in a million years, like cleaning out the crawl space).  Blame it on the fact that Craig and I are incapable of going to bed at a decent hour, and Ryder is back to waking up at 6:30.  Blame it on the kids all being home and Craig just went back to work yesterday even though school doesn't start for nearly two more weeks...  But whatever is going on, what's not going on is my brain working very much.  Each day passes in a fog of me trying to not let the kids watch too much TV.

So here's what I have accomplished (not because I think you'll find this terribly interesting, but because I want to feel better about myself): I used my new food dehydrator for the first time!  I did peach and apple slices and dehydrated applesauce to make fruit leather.  Pretty awesome!  I made Bentley and Kendra try on all their clothes so we could figure out what they had outgrown and what we needed to buy before school started.  I boxed up all Kendra's outgrown clothes and moved Bentley's outgrown clothes to Ryder's side of the closet.  I even took them each back-to-school shopping (which is a big accomplishment if you hate shopping as much as I do).  And last week I made entirely healthy meals for dinner, which we are still trying to choke down because no one wants to eat the leftovers of healthy meals (self included).  (And this is why I sort of hate trying to eat healthy, but we're trying to undo the extensive damage we did to our collective BMIs while traveling.) 

So there.  I'm not completely lazy.  I won't tell you how many days those tasks were all stretched out across.  Maybe it will seem more impressive if you don't know. 

I'll shake myself out of this fog soon.

Really, I will.


Anne said...

I love you!

Patrice said...

At this stage of your life, keeping track of what you have accomplished and not trying to keep track of how long it took, is the exact right way to do it!