Friday, July 31, 2015


We moved about five weeks ago, and have had a steady stream of visitors since then.  My sister Tracy came to help out the weekend we moved.  Then my parents stopped in a few days later as they headed to Europe on one of those river cruises.  Then Tracy was close by for three weeks, working on a farm, so we convinced her to pop in for a few of those weekends, which we loved (and which was super helpful).  And then my parents were back, on their way home from their cruise.  And then Craig's brother and his family got to come and visit for a few days!

So, yes, we've been feeling quite loved and popular, which is nice.

Except it's also extremely bad  . . .  for my weight.

Because every time we have company, I feel the need to eat lots of desserts with them and go out to dinner and cook anything I can think of to show off (hint: this usually involves lots of cream cheese)...  And even before we moved, we'd been eating a pretty steady diet of pizza, Chick-fil-A and ice cream (and any other comfort food imaginable) while Craig re-did the kitchen and we tried to keep the house spotless and pack.

So yes, I'm probably the fattest I've ever been without being pregnant or recently post-baby.  And that is not such a lovely thing.  I sort of hate it.

So after we were done waving good-bye to Craig's family last night, it hit me that it was finally time to start trying to be healthy again.  Camille sleeps through the night regularly enough that I should be able to get up early and get some exercise in.  And while I thought it made the most sense to start a new thing like that on a Monday, in a burst of energy and good intentions I decided to just jump into the fray this morning.

So I went running!

Well, walking.  With a little bit of very slow jogging in between the walking.  So it was a pretty laughable start, but as my friend Vangie would tell me, we all gotta start somewhere.  And it was cool and lovely outside and I even managed to catch the sunrise, so it was a perfect way to begin.

And then I thought-- well, maybe if I blog about this, I'll manage to actually keep doing it.  Don't worry-- I won't report back on every little run I go on.  But if I notice myself slendering up, I might have to get excited and talk about it here.

My other line of attack is to change how I eat.  I don't think I can handle doing anything as extreme as the Fuhrmann plan right now, so I'm not exactly eating super healthy.  But as badly as I've been eating, I think if I just cut out all the snacking, extra desserts, and maybe even my addiction to chocolate milk, that would be a huge improvement.  If I added some salad and fruit into the mix, so much the better.  And then maybe I can ease back into cooking healthier dinners or eating an apple for breakfast instead of a bowl of cereal. 

So there.  It's blogged.  I'm going to work on being healthier.  I told you, so now I have to do it.

Let it be thus!

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