Tuesday, August 18, 2015

People who know when the deadlines are should probably be shot

Craig informed me last night that we were already late if we wanted to sign our kids up for soccer.  How is this possible?  School hasn't even started yet!  In fact, it starts tomorrow.  And while I'm completely happy about that fact, it does seem very early to me, to be starting school in the middle of August like that. 

So if school is starting exceptionally early, how is it that soccer already began???

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: my whole game plan was to sign them up for stuff like that once they were back in school and I actually would have a moment to bother with these things (so, probably in about two weeks).  I sort of thought the fact that I registered them for school AND got them library cards made me a good mother.  Finding a pediatrician, piano teacher, and soccer league were all things I figured we could put off for a few more weeks.  (And don't even try to tell me that finding a pediatrician ranks higher than a library card.  No, it doesn't.)

Anyway.  School starts tomorrow and I'm already behind.  This parenting thing is a tough gig sometimes... 

And I'm pretty certain that a "fall sport" should not be allowed to start before September.  That's just science.


Jen Evans said...

Haha I got us library cards before a pediatrician too but in an emergency I can still just drive back to our old one. School for us starts September 8th and I don't think that day will ever get here, but I dread its arrival and my live-in babysitter going to 3rd grade. Then again, maybe she's the ring leader. Is Colton in school this year or preschool?

Erin said...

Even here, where school doesn't start until Sept. 9th, soccer usually starts in late August. Games don't start until Sept., but you usually have a practice or two before then. Gareth will miss out on soccer this year because we moved. Only 15 minutes away, but I'm not driving over there twice a week just for soccer (plus, technically, you're supposed to live in Ballard to be in Ballard Youth Soccer). I'm going to use it as an opportunity to try to get him into jiu jitsu or piano lessons or something. That way I don't have to stress about our move having totally messed up fall soccer.