Friday, August 28, 2015

The Object of Our Affections

The other day, Colton began chanting, "Hamil lahkshmi!"  I couldn't figure out what he was saying for a bit, although it amused me that it sounded vaguely middle eastern or something.  I finally got it: Camille likes me.  That's what he was so excited to tell me.  I assured him he was correct and that Camille loves him.  Then Ryder piped up that, "No, Camille likes me!"  And then they were fighting.  Over her affection.

How lucky she is to be so loved!

Also, the other day I overheard Ryder telling Bentley and Kendra, "I'm goofy and I'm funny.  Which means I'm hilarious."  (It's even funnier if you replace all the "l"s and "r"s with "w"s.  Trust me.)

And finally, look who's getting pretty good at sitting up!

So proud of herself!

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