Here are some of my favorites so far (I still don't have the whole thing memorized, so my favorites keep shifting as I discover a new song that had gotten skipped before):
All of the King George III songs. (Jonathon Groff is perfect here-- a little slimy, a little prissy, a lot funny.)
Dear Theodosia (Sweet song of fathers singing to their babies)
The Room Where It Happened (Just a fun jazzy song)
My Shot (I especially love the "Rise Up" refrain)
What'd I Miss (Thomas Jefferson as an awesome hiphop-py kind of guy returns from Paris)(We especially love Thomas Jefferson, living so close to Monticello!)I should also warn you, there is some swearing in there. So be careful listening with your kids around. If you're listening on Amazon Prime (cuz yeah, it's on Amazon Prime Music!!!), any songs with swearing will say "Explicit" in the song title, but a lot of the swearing goes by so quickly, I don't know that most kids would notice. (And in the case of Bentley, I figure he's hearing it by now at school. I just warned him that if I heard him using those words, he'd be in trouble and we'd stop listening to this together. Since he's about as obsessed as I am, that should be enough.)
And if all that isn't enough for you, here are my current favorite links about Hamilton:
A Footnoted Libretto!!!!!!! (in case you want to know how accurate it is)
Hamilton and the Death of Irony
This beautiful blog post by writer Joe Posnanski
I wanted to check the hype too and was amazed to find I loved it by like one minute in. Who came up with this idea?!
Hey thanks for linking the songs! My sister's obsessed as well and I hadn't gotten around to listening to these. I listened to a few just now and I think I just may have to listen to the whole sountrack now! :)
So after listening to the whole soundtrack as often as I can, I can't just list one song as my favorite. They are all so good! Seriously! I love the final song where Eliza sings about her life after her husband has died. I love the crazy when a.h. is in his duel with a.b. I love whenever a.b. gets burned by washington. I love its quiet uptown and all of its tenderness. I love the rap battles for the debates and whenever the kings messages are sung and anything from Lafayette especially when he says anarchy and then says it with an American accent. It's so well written and colorful and researched. Who knew that the life of a white wigged political figure could be the muse of such a modern musical. Lin-Manuel Miranda for president.
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