Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Fabulous February

This last Saturday we had NOTHING SCHEDULED.  AT ALL.

Do you know how rare that is???  We were so excited!  We did so very little all day and it was so wonderful.  AND, Bentley's walking pneumonia was finally clearing up (did I even mention that on ye olde blogge???  It lasted nearly a WEEK!), so the kids are mostly healthy (knock on wood)!  Craig figured out how to stream Redbox movies, and he made the kids watch Groundhog Day.  Only Bentley really got it, but they still had fun.

Colton came home from school with this awesome mask that he'd made:

Happy Groundhog's Day, y'all!

And THEN, as if that weekend wasn't amazing enough, the weather warmed up this week and today it is in the 70's!!!!!  It won't last long, so we're trying to cram in as much fun as we can before it snows again. 

To celebrate, Camille and I actually left the house and did fun things.  I bet you didn't think I was capable of being fun any more, didja?  First, I signed us up for a free little art class offered through UVA's Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Museum (which I didn't even know existed).  I guess the idea is to get moms to actually bring their kids to museums.  But the joke's on them, because I already love  museums!  I suppose the other goal is to get some exposure to this particular museum, so in that case, they succeeded beautifully.  I will happily go back there any day!  Not only was it small and easy to navigate with a kid, it's set up in the Pantops area here, near the new Martha Jefferson hospital and the location is gorgeous-- some old house up on a hill, turned into a museum, and there's even parking (unlike all of the UVA grounds!).  I was thrilled.

Here's the mask she made.  I want to hang it in Craig's office...

After that we ran a couple errands, grabbed some lunch, and decided to go walk the Trails at Monticello.  It occurred to me that we could enjoy a walk just the two of us, with no rushing and no goals and-- with it only being the two of us-- possibly no one even whining!  How easy is that???  So off we went.  We meandered.  We read the labels on the trees.  We stopped to pet every dog that came our way.  (Camille is very brave and always asks the owner's permission first!)  We made it to the first bridge (which means we walked at least half a mile, but in our case a bit more since we wandered up and down a few other trails on the way).  We went down to the pond to see it better and witnessed several groups of Canadian geese fly in and splashed down into the water.  We ended up with 24 of them, and it was a riot to watch them swim underneath the surface and then pop back up again like balloons, or roll over in the water, trying to bathe themselves!
Carter Overlook

Watching the geese.  I'm giving myself bonus Mommy points because: a) I did her hair and b) I even matched the rubberband to her shirt!
This is such a quintessential Camille look.  She's thinking, Why are you taking my picture when you could be watching these geese?

Sometimes, I manage to ignore the laundry and vacuuming and actually be a good mom!

Also, cherry on top, this happened this morning:
They called themselves the Hugging Group

Don't get too fooled by this post, though-- while I've been typing away, I'm constantly being interrupted by crying children.  Nothing's perfect.  But early spring weather goes a long way toward making it feel pretty great!

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