Wednesday, February 20, 2019

So Much Celebrating

Between Camille's birthday (on the 9th), Valentine's Day (14th), and Kendra's birthday (18th), the middle of February always feels very busy to me.  Happy busy, but busy nonetheless!

I'm not normally a person who cares too much about Valentine's Day.  I mean-- YES, I'm thrilled for an excuse to go out for a nice dinner, because that's one of my favorite things to do.  But I don't need to do it on the actual day.  So usually we choose a Friday sometime near Valentine's Day and go on a date then.  And that makes me plenty happy.  I am so low maintenance.  But THIS YEAR, the theater near us was showing Moulin Rouge on the 14th.  And I LOVE that movie so much.  And it came out when I was on my mission, so I never actually got to see it on the big screen.  So I had to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.  And lucky me, Craig loves the movie, too, so he was totally on board.  Times like this when I feel like the luckiest person ever.

Now, normally on Valentine's Day, we let the kids each pick something for dinner and then we make it all and call it our Valentine's Day Feast-- we've been doing this for a few years now and the kids love it and since they only like kind of junky food, it's not usually too much work for me, either.  So this year we bumped it up a day and held it on the 13th.  Our menu included chicken nuggets (Colton's request), pizza (Camille), grilled cheese and tomato soup (Ryder), and pigs in a blanket (Kendra).  Bentley had asked for French toast, which Craig was supposed to make, but Craig ended up not being able to get away from work, so we saved that for Sunday night.  But the kids were still delighted with our Feast!
The only real challenge is trying to get everything hot at the same time...

And then on actual Valentine's Day, Craig's parents came and babysat (thanks, Tom and Donna!) and we went out to dinner, spent a little time looking at furniture (we're in the market for a new couch, and it turns out we have weirdly specific needs), and then headed to the theater.  And it was SO WONDERFUL!!!!  I loved every second of it.  We stayed until the end of the credits.  It was spectacular.  Seriously, every song in that movie incredible.  How did Baz Luhrman do it???
Image result for moulin rouge gifs

So that was a wonderful Thursday night.

Then on Friday we were celebrating the girls' birthdays with their grandparents, so Craig's parents came again and took us all out to dinner at ZinBurger (SO GOOD!) and then at home the girls opened presents and enjoyed Krispy Kreme doughnuts, so that was super fun.

Birthday girls!  (Not pictured: the bike Kendra got!)

Showing off her new present, a long ribbon like they use in rhythmic gymnastics and YES we all like to play with it!

This is such a cute picture!

Saturday, Kendra had her party with friends, which we usually keep pretty simple.  The girls played, decorated sugar cookies, ate pizza, opened presents, and watched La La Land (which was only ever possible because Moulin Rouge paved the way for it!!!).  I think everyone had a good time!  I appreciated Craig making the sugar cookies since I had choir practice that day.  I made a huge batch of frosting and then gave the girls each a large scoop to color or do with as they wished.  They came up with a lot of different colors and we had food dye EVERYWHERE.

Sunday was a relatively relaxing day, and then Monday was a day off from school AND Kendra's actual birthday.  Since she'd already had a lot of partying, the actual day was pretty low-key, but she got her presents from us and I made her a cake, so that was fun.  And she's finally old enough to read the 7th Harry Potter book, so she was very excited about that.  (Also, since Kendra was born on President's Day, it always makes me happy when those two days line up again!)

And somewhere in all there, Colton also had his 100th day of school, which is always a big deal for kindergartners!

And now I should probably have a few days with less celebratory desserts!  Except it snowed and we're all home and hunkered down and Craig is just itching to bake something and who am I to deny him...?

Life is good!  Celebrate, y'all!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Happy Birthday Kendra and Camille!! That is a lot of celebrating, but it all looks so lovely. And I hope Craig baked something delicious on your snow day! We end up similarly with the boys since their birthdays are 3 weeks apart and usually Easter falls in there somewhere as well. If we add in extended family to the mix, Mal shares a birthday with an uncle (the one who lives here), and there are 5 other birthdays from mid-March to mid-April. If they all lived nearby it would be a lot of celebrating for one month.