Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Phone Update

No purchases in the cell phone department yet. We spent about 45 minutes browsing in the store before the good will of our children was all used up, and then I forced us to leave. Craig doesn't seem to think it's a problem if the kids run around being crazy in public, but I can't handle it.

But here's the phone that I've got my eye on:

Have I mentioned before that I really like purple? And I think the flowers are cute. It's one of those phones with a full keyboard, which will be completely wasted on me since I hardly ever send text messages. But it does have a camera and camcorder, which I have enjoyed in my current phone. And it's just so dang cute!

Craig is still trying to figure out how to convince me to let him get an iPhone. Unfortunately for his calculating, he didn't realize that if he got one, I wanted to have one, too. He hadn't realized that I also like them. I'm just practical enough to not obsessively talk/think about what I know I can't have. So now any time I want anything, he tells me that I can have it if he can have an iPhone. (So far, this has meant lunch at Panera or making a yummy-looking chocolate and peanut butter fondue. I may be blonde, but I'm pretty sure that these would be bad deals...)

Ah, compromise. The stuff of marriages!


Erin said...

You could always look into android phones as well. I can't remember if they're cheaper than iPhones or not, but whichever way the difference isn't huge. What we did is get the Google phones, but without a contract (Ryan's cost WAY more upfront, but the phone company recovers that cost eventually if you buy it through them by forcing you into a contract and a data plan. Mine we got off of Craigslist, so the price wasn't bad). Without the contract we can get just a monthly voice plan from the company and not pay for data. We still get data anywhere we have wifi, which since we have it at home and Ryan has it on campus, that's just about anywhere we need it. We'll actually be paying less per month than we were before, and the long-term cost is less than buying the phone subsidized through the company (with the added benefit that you can switch companies anytime you want).

Natalie R. said...

You are absolutely not allowed to get an iPhone, unless you get one for me, too. Remember how fun it is to have nice, long conversations in the mornings when most people aren't making phone calls yet? We'd have to kiss those goodbye if you said goodbye to Sprint. :0(

So I would definitely go with the purple phone and not the iPhone. ;0)