Thursday, February 10, 2011


Bentley invented a new game, which Kendra naturally began copying, so they're both doing it pretty consistently now.

Before I get them dressed in the morning, they like to "trick" me by telling me that they're wearing underwear, when actually they're still wearing their pull-ups. Then, they will very sloooooooooowly unzip their sleepers until the truth is, well, revealed. All the suspense of a strip tease! Performed by my two kids! Early in the morning! To say it's a bit surreal would be an understatement.

This is not exactly what I imagined being a mommy would entail.

I don't know how I'm going to go about protecting Ryder from their influence.


Nancy said...

Ella and Will did tummy dances. They'd unzip their PJs and wiggle their tummies around at us. Luckily, either Linus wasn't born or is too little to remember and they've outgrown it. Maybe Ryder will survive their crazy influence... but probably not.

Natalie R. said...

Ha ha ha, that is absolutely hilarious!!! I was thinking about coming for a visit sometime soon, but maybe I'd better keep my sons away from your kids! ;0)

Rachael said...

Have you been watching Gypsy around them? :)