Thursday, February 9, 2012

My New Shoes

Yup. I bought them! They just arrived yesterday.

I'm so excited to try them out. But unfortunately, they arrived during a "wintery mix*" of rain and snow, just as night was falling. And while they're supposed to be great for your feet and knees, I'm pretty sure they're not designed for a romp through freezing cold wetness! So I haven't tried them out yet.

Anyway, my transformation into being a complete hippie draws ever nearer. But along with refusing to try cloth diapers, I'm pretty sure I'll also never homeschool (which, a couple of you pointed out, means really leaving mainstream America behind!). I read this blog post about a woman who homeschooled her children for approximately 20 minutes. It sounded so much like me that it was sort of eerie just reading it-- especially her image of how it would go and the direct contrast to how it actually went. I'm just going to count her experience as my own and learn from it.

Anyway, back to the shoes. It's beautifully sunny outside today (albeit cold), so hopefully when Craig gets home I'll have time to at least run around the block or something. Dinner is already cooking away in the crock pot, so that buys me some extra time in the afternoon!

After I ordered my shoes, a friend sent me this hilarious video. I haven't even used the shoes yet, but that guy sounds way too much like me. In fact, I should be issuing apologies if you've been victim to my incessant talking about the book Born to Run!!!! (Truly, I'm sorry!) Oh, and don't be put off by the title-- the video is completely G-rated, I promise!

Don't worry, no matter how converted I become to these shoes, I won't make you call me Barefoot Alanna!

*Is it just me, or does that sound like it should be a salad or something? Or perhaps a salad dressing to go with iceberg lettuce? I dunno...

**And speaking of Born to Run, it was especially fun as I was reading it when it talked about Abebe Bikila, an Ethiopian marathoner who won the 1960 Olympics running barefoot. I guess Vibram is going to ignore the fact that he-- apparently-- later injured himself running barefoot, too. In any case, I had wondered where the name for the model of shoes I picked out-- Bikila-- came from. It's always nice when those knowledge gaps get filled in!


Vangie said...

That video is hilarious! I like the sound of Barefoot Alanna, but if you don't then I guess I won't call you by it. ;)

Nancy said...

I'm liking that I'm less hippie than you, and I do homeschool. :)

Juliana said...

My dad has been flagged down and stopped while running, and asked if he is The Barefoot _____ (someone) of Seattle. My dad obviously is not, but we laughed pretty hard anyway :)

Liz said...

Your whole post is hilarious! :)

The video is super awesome (I just sent it to my dad). The homeschooling article is hilarious too.

Heehee. Happy Weekend!
:) Liz

Juliana said...

PS: Are you sure that Barefoot running doesn't make you invincible? Because I was just sure that was included in the hippie-lifestyle contract.