Monday, August 27, 2012

Woe is Us

One of the best things about being married to a teacher is the fact that Craig has a lot more time than your average working Dad to be home with us.  But that's not to say that he doesn't occasionally put in long days.  Like today, when he left the house around 8am and is not expected home until after 9pm.  Between him being gone and the need to hit Target and Costco with all three kids, I knew it would be a long day for me.  But I wasn't counting on today being the day that Ryder would develop a bad case of diarrhea.  Not that you need the nitty gritty details, but the fact is that he has pooped ten times so far.  And even though I just tucked him into bed, I'll be awfully surprised if he doesn't need at least a couple more diaper changes before the night is through.

I don't even mind changing all those diapers.  What makes this truly awful is the fact that Ryder's got a horrible diaper rash from it all, so each episode is accompanied with my normally sweet sweet little baby kicking, screaming, and arching his back in pain.  And then, when we're finally all done, he has to kneel on me (because sitting is too painful) and sob against my chest for a few minutes.  It's annoying and heart-wrenching, all at the same time.

All this to say, I sure miss Craig today.

And I'm sure glad I made him change Ryder at least once before he left this morning!


Anne said...

I love that your solace is that Craig changed him in the morning. :) I love passing poopy diapers off to Simon!! :) (and why is google telling me poopy isn't spelled right...really? It's not in their dictionary??)

Juliana said...

I miss Craig for you, and Ryder. I read this just after your Beaches post- the first thing I thought of was how nice Ryder didn't blow out and suffer all through Hawaii? (Or maybe you would have had more help then...)

Anyway, I hit up both Costco and Target yesterday too. I was by myself, but still exhausted from it all.

Give yourself lots of credit for days like this.

Natalie R. said...

Poor Ryder, and poor you!! I always hate it when Cameron's on call on the days when I really need him home... I hope Ryder has been feeling much better since you write this!!