Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hidden Treasure

There is so much I'm supposed to be blogging about.  I never even managed to blog about my Grandma's 100th birthday party (I still will!  I promise!!!).  Kendra's dance recital.  My other kids' portraits from months ago. 

But we're moving on Friday.

And still trying to sell our house (hoping for some offers soon!).

And things are just plain crazy at the moment.

But I have one quick story I have to share or else it will be forgotten in all the craziness.  So here goes...

We've had a two-part move here.  We moved everything we didn't need for a few weeks into the new house three weeks ago, in order to clear out this house.  We were hoping that it would show better then (and I think it does, even if it hasn't sold yet).  So that was exciting, to say the least.  We picked out which furniture we didn't need (the kids' bunk beds, Craig's dresser, Grandmere's desk, the love sack, a couple bookcases, one of our couches...  stuff we use, but could manage without) and I packed a TON of boxes of winter stuff and toys.  And some friends came on a Friday evening and helped us load it all onto a truck.  After they left, Craig and I continued to raid the house for things we could live without.  When we finally finished, that moving truck was STUFFED FULL.

And we went to bed absolutely exhausted.

The next day we drove it to Charlottesville, where people from our new ward came to help us unload, and then we had to race back to Manassas in time for the kids' piano lessons.


That night, I tried to clear stuff off the dining room table so we'd be able to eat breakfast at it the next morning.  One of the bookcases we'd moved hadn't been completely packed up, so everything on it had been moved to the table, so it was a huge mess now.

As I cleared, I came across a small flat box.  It was about an inch square, and maybe a quarter of an inch thick, so pretty small.  Inside, was a cheap, plastic looking thing with the name for a jeweler in New Jersey on it.  It was sort of like a disk, with sun rays coming out around it, if that makes sense.  I managed to pry it out of the box, and when I turned it over, it looked like there was a ring inside it.  And it looked like it was gold.

Craig called his parents, and sure enough: we'd found his grandmother's wedding ring!  Her initials and his grandfather's were engraved on the inside.  I'm not sure where it had been: inside her desk?  Or the buffet which we'd moved?  Both had belonged to her, so either one is possible.  Mostly, I'm just so relieved that we took the time to really look at it instead of just throwing it away!

It is safely in Craig's mother's keeping now.  Hopefully she'll find a good place to keep it.

But we were glad to have found this little treasure amidst all the chaos!

That's it for now.
Wish us luck selling the house!


Patrice said...

What a wonderful surprise & tender mercy. A nice boost at a stressful time!!

Anne said...

Sending you house-selling vibes from CA!!!! (where the vibes are good...)