Sunday, September 13, 2015

Always Learning

Several months ago when my sister Tracy was visiting, she mentioned a beautiful piece of music she'd heard at a concert called "Mostly Mozart."  It was the 2nd movement of the 7th symphony, and was used in the movie The King's Speech (which ranks right up there in my book as one of the best movies of all time).  It took me several times of playing it on YouTube before I noticed that my search was being autocorrected because it was composed by Beethoven, not Mozart (I guess they were being honest when they called themselves Mostly Mozart).  I bet those YouTube people thought I was an idiot!

Anyway, I've been playing it a lot these days.  I can't get over how quietly moving and powerful it is (especially when it's not very quiet any more).  Let it go on the record that I want this playing when they carry my casket away at my funeral, okay?  Here-- you should listen to it:

So that's the first thing.

The second thing is also from months ago when I decided for Mommy School we would talk about Vincent van Gogh.  Because who doesn't love a guy who slices off his own ear?  (And yes, I did tell the kids that story, although I didn't get too detailed with the whole part about him giving it to a prostitute.)  Anyway, while I was reading up on him in wikipedia-- yes, that bastion of knowledge-- I came across this painting:

When I first saw it, I just thought, "Oh, yeah, the picture on David Sedaris' book, When You Are Engulfed in Flames."  It was another minute before my brain clicked into working mode and I thought, "Wait-- why is this on the van Gogh page of Wikipedia???"  So I had to go poking around to figure out that this was in fact painted by van Gogh.  (Duh.)  But holy crap, this is not what I think of when I picture his works!  I spent a few hours feeling like a failure as a humanities major.

But really, this begs the question: Did David Sedaris explain this in his book?  And did I totally forget, only to be surprised when I came across the information four-and-a-half years later?  Because if this is the case, then I REALLY need to get my brain functioning again.

Now I'm going to have to go back and read that book again...

But Beethoven's 2nd Movement in his 7th Symphony!  Have you been listening to it while you read?  Isn't it wonderful??


)en said...

That painting is frickin' awesome. Oh to know how to paint.

I laughed imagining playing this at your funeral-- is that wrong? It's just so, so.. STATELY. I... I HAVE DIED! you know? which is great. why not?

Patrice said...

I finally have good Wi-Fi again and can listen to Beethoven. What a wonderful piece of music! Thank you for sharing.