Sunday, December 6, 2015

In Over My Head

So, in my old ward, a friend starting throwing a white elephant gift exchange party and it was THE BEST party ever.  I loved it.  I don't think I ever laughed as hard as I did at this party.  That friend moved away within a few weeks of me moving away, so I decided I would start this tradition in my new ward.  If I could make it even half as fun as her party, that would still be a huge success.

So I figured out a date that would work, created an evite invitation (which was very brave of me, considering that the only other time I've tried to do something with evites, no one ended up coming), and sent out all the invitations.  I was so proud of myself!  I was going to do something FUN.  I was going to strive to make friends in my new ward.  I was going to nail this.

Within an hour, I got an email from the Relief Society president asking me if I knew that that was the same day as the Relief Society Christmas brunch and that they were planning on having a white elephant gift exchange?

I nearly cried.  There was no other weekend that would really work, so I didn't feel like I could just change the date.  I hemmed and hawed for most of the day, and finally volunteered to just host the Relief Society brunch at my house.  They said to expect 20-25 people.  It's next Saturday morning.

What in the world have I done?


Jen Evans said...

Go Alanna! You can do it! I should have started the tradition in my ward, but like most things I said 'maybe next year' and forgot about it.

)en said...

Nice! Now you can do it just how you want it. I love white elephant. This year we're having an open mic open house Christmas party and invited literally everyone we know. A lady in the ward came up to me one day and said "I can't believe you invited the whole ward." The look on her face was that of neither excitement nor admiration. More like incredulity/shock, bordering on a little bit of disgust. Haha! God bless us everyone. Wish I could come to your white elephant brunch!

Erin said...

I'm sure it'll be amazing. And it'll definitely help people remember who you are. We're heading to a white elephant event on Saturday. Our usual person couldn't organize, so I offered to help (not hosting as our house can't fit 40-50 people). I just realized this woman usually heads to costco and gets a bunch of stuff there (because at this white elephant you can end up with multiple gifts). So now I'm trying to figure out how to find/bring tons of present to our event.