Friday, November 5, 2021

Halloween Weekend

We've stuck to our new system wherein Craig sits down with each kid and helps them pick out a Halloween costume on the internet.  Thank goodness for that.  Then my job was to keep them from destroying their costumes before the big day.  I let them try everything on ONCE to make sure it all fit (and also as a bribe to get them to practice!).  That's when we learned that Camille knows nothing about storm troopers, as she thought this was the perfect storm trooper pose:

But it made her happy and it made me laugh, so it's all good!  And speaking of making me laugh...
The rainbow unicorn never gets old!
Ryder's costume came with a mask, but there really wasn't any good way to actually wear the stupid thing-- the elastic it came with couldn't fit around anyone's head.  So Craig decided to do makeup on Ryder instead and--- as always-- he did a fantastic job:

Two Face!

One more shot-- I just can't resist!

At the last minute, Bentley decided to wear my giraffe costume

And here's everyone all ready to go for the ward party!  (Kendra is a queen, but she didn't want to wear her crown for the Trunk-or-Treat; Colton is the Grim Reaper)
Poor Craig was so stressed about the weather for the trunk-or-treat!  Our stake has determined that we're not allowed to eat indoors for church activities right now and it was POURING that day.  But the rain cleared up and it all went great!  Huzzah!

I do enjoy sitting in my car giving out candy!
We finally let the kids carve their pumpkins Sunday afternoon.  Craig mostly helped out as needed while I puttered around in the kitchen.  We were sort of in a rush to get to the neighborhood shindig, and I was nervous about my costume...

This year, the women in my neighborhood decided we should all dress up like different iterations of Britney Spears.  Unfortunately, by the time I noticed all the texts flying back and forth about this, the only one left was I'm a Slave 4 U Britney...  😳  Obviously, I wasn't going to be donning a bikini (not enough time for the surgery necessary to make THAT work!), but people helped me figure out a few work-arounds and so this was what we ended up with:
Craig got me the mic from school, and Camille graciously loaned me her stuffed animal snake, so, as Craig put it, This costume practically built itself!

All the grown ups

Most of the kids

Owen and Ryder

Queen Kendra and Huntress Eliza
Craig took the little kids trick-or-treating, and I sat by my fire pit in the driveway with Bentley passing out candy.  It was a lovely day!  And we have more candy than we will ever know what to do with!

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