Thursday, June 8, 2023

Haute Couture, Among Other Things

Tomorrow is the last day of school, so I'm going to take a few minutes to blog without anyone vying for my attention...  We've been wrapping things up with all the usual craziness, but it's all been good stuff (that's what I have to keep reminding myself so I don't get completely stressed out)...

The thing that's taking up the most space in my head right now is trying to get ready for trek.  The clothing alone is a HUGE source of stress for me since I don't know how to sew.  But I think I'm mostly ready, thanks to Costco having super cute straw hats on sale right now and some lovely ladies in my ward who made bonnets and aprons, and Adam for finding these great (and super cheap!) pioneer-esque dresses for me on-line!

I think this is coming back in style...  (And we really need to clean that mirror!  Gross.)

Speaking of fashion, Camille hasn't quite grown out of wearing awesome hats she made at school.  I love stuff like this so much:
And that bird hat segues nicely into news of our chickens who are officially out of the house and enjoying life inside their cozy little coop!  The kids take them down on the grass every now and then, but so far they're kind of a pain to shepherd so far, so hopefully they'll get better at making this little journey down the deck stairs...
And back to fashion, Craig's school had a staff vs. students volleyball game, and it required this kind of clothing.  I'm so glad I snapped a picture!
Which is more embarrassing, this or the pioneer clothes?  (The pioneer clothes.  The pioneer clothes are SO MUCH MORE embarrassing.)  Also, he's wearing my shirt that I made for Girls Camp back in Manassas.  I sort of hate that it fits him that well...
We had our first youth baptism trip that didn't take an entire day!!!  We just did for our Tuesday night activity like any ward in Utah could do!!!!  Amazing.

All smiling after getting a chance to serve!

I'd promised Colton and Camille that I'd take them to the pool right after school, only for it to be closed for repairs.  So I tried to make up for it by taking them to a splash pad and then getting popsicles after.  They were happy for Option B, and I enjoyed sitting in the shade reading my book.  I love having kids that are old enough to be ignored a bit more!

Sarah and I did a session at the temple together!
Ryder did great at his end of the year band concert!
And I met up with Josephine at the temple, too!  Can you tell how much I'm enjoying having it close by???
Josephine moved to Powhatan last summer, so this was a great place to meet up!

On the docket for today: vacuuming the upstairs, getting Craig out the door with Bentley and Kendra to fly to Houston for my niece Kamryn's wedding (!!!!), and then sitting by the pool alone for a few minutes before the little kids come home from school.

Life is so great.

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