Saturday, July 15, 2023

Cousin Time in Seattle

We only had a few days at home after trek and then it was time to drive Bentley and Kendra to the Richmond airport and send them on their way to Seattle!  I was glad that they'd just flown to Houston via Atlanta (also leaving from Richmond), so they were familiar with the two airports they'd need to navigate on their own.  I'd planned on taking them up to airport security, but then it was pouring buckets, so instead I dropped them off, and parked in the short term parking until they called me and let me know that they'd made it to their gate just fine and I could drive home (again in the pouring rain).  Fun for me!

My sister Tracy picked them up in Seattle, along with their cousin Samuel, and she spent the next couple days doing super fun stuff with them.  What an awesome cousin trip!  
Letting me know they'd arrived safely and found Tracy at the airport-- phew!

These are basically in reverse order, because Google is kind of a jerk about downloading photos onto one's blog, but you get the idea.  I'm going to let force Bentley to take over this post now, since I wasn't actually there for any of it!

    Hi, its Bentley. So I'm gonna write this from the bottom to the top, so I guess read it that way. It will be a very confusing read if you don't. 
Paddling boarding off Crystal Springs

then, we went kayaking and paddle boarding. I don't trust water that I can't see at least a little bit, and I was thinking of that video where the dude gets eaten by a whale.  So I didn't do much of that.

After that, we did this scavenger hunt thing made by Aunt Tracy. I got to drive, and play my music which was very enjoyable for me and no one else. My favorite part of driving is getting to play my music instead of taylor swift.  (Alanna's note: he won't let me capitalize her name!!!!)
I digress, we went to several places, such as frog rock (of COURSE), the place where pickle ball was created, a dock, and grandma Patrice and grandpa Rex's house.

So, we woke up and went hiking. We went down to this random beach on Bainbridge, Samuel flew his drone, we looked for dead crabs.

                                                    Next day: the 3rd one

After that we went to the Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP). All those photos are on my phone, and I'm too lazy to bother uploading, but picture a really cool exhibit on hiphop, and some interesting stuff on fantasy, horror, and video games (life-sized enderdragon statue!!)

On the observation deck of the Space Needle

Skipping a bit, we got on a monorail and went to the space needle. It was terrifying. I don't mind heights, from planes and stuff. but buildings? nuh uh. They had huge glass windows that went out at an angle so you could lean on them and look down. no way josé.
In the crow's nest (eagle's nest?) at Amazon Spheres
Here is said nest. imagine doing boring work spreadsheets or whatever, but you're in a nest!
Visiting with Uncle Adam, who works for Amazon
So now, we are in the spheres. They are pretty cool, and definitely the main reason I would want to work as an executive in Amazon. It would be so fun to do email or something in the bird-nest thing they have.
After much wandering, we ended up at the Amazon Spheres. in this lil outdoor chill area. While waiting for Adam, we got bananas at this community banana stand (not much money in that since its free). So if you ever wanna complain that billionaires should be donating more, remember that Bezos spends a couple bucks everyday to give everyone in Seattle bananas. I think thats pretty cool and all we need.

Virginia! I know that place

Doughnuts at Pike Place Market, the donuts were good, the fish looked less appetizing. There was also two people wearing cat masks playing the accordion and banjo. The masks were rubber so they weren't furries, they were just weird.

Public market Center! Gum wall, fish throwing, yummy cheese, and the first Starbucks.

Ok, next day now. We got up and headed back into the city. We left the truck on Bainbridge, so please keep in mind that everything we did today, we walked to. 

                                                Next day: the 2nd one

Ivar's, by the ferry terminal
It didn't take much to get statues back then. This guy just fed birds a lot I guess. 
There's the ferry in the background!
Then, we drove to the ferry car on-boarding area. We parked, looked at the water and ferry leaving, and then wandered around the docks, or whatever they call it. Its the place near the water, bunch of shops, the ferris wheel etc.

Getting dinner in the international district

So, after we arrived, we got into the truck and all went to this random Chinese restaurant. It was pretty good, I made the mistake of ordering a noodles and peanut sauce dish, forgetting that I don't really enjoy peanuts in any form besides normal peanuts. 

Thanks, Aunt Tracy, for such a fun couple of days!!!

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