Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Senior Pictures

Bless Adam for making sure we actually got around to doing these!  And then triple-bless him for taking such fantastic pictures.  I was originally planning on going with them, but then I was too busy.  After I realized I couldn't go, it hit me that that would be for the best anyway-- for something like this, I'd just end up annoying Bentley and then it would be hard to get him smiling.  And, as you'll see, they did great without me!

I'd insisted he bring a change of clothes.  I think he thought I was being ridiculous, so I would like to say, for the record, that I WAS RIGHT.

One of my favorites, and this was what we used for his graduation announcements

I really loved the black and white version, too, but it was too hard to see the writing without the colors contrasting, so we went with the color version

Bentley's a cool guy

These were all taken at Keswick Hall-- sometimes it pays to be friends with a wedding planner!

I really should have told him to pack some dark socks...  Oh, well...

And I kind of love that he looks about twelve years old here

And, actually, I like how he looks when he's not smiling, and the colors in the background of this one are muted and gorgeous

Another serious shot that I really love

And I like that the artwork behind him here gives this a completely different look

I looked at this one and gasped.  This shot looks like it could be in a magazine, right?

This is another of my favorites.  He looks like the CEO who just took over your company and feels absolutely no remorse.

So, yes, these are wonderful.  I cannot thank Adam enough!  (And I'll do a post one of these days where I sniffle about Bentley growing up. But not this time.)

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