Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Good Advice

The other day as I was trying to get out the door, Bentley somehow slipped into ultra-slow toddler mode. I will hazard a guess that those of you who have had children understand this state, but for those of you who have somehow never experienced the aggravation, let me just clue you in: it’s really, really annoying. How can it possibly take anyone (even a two-year-old) five minutes just to climb into the car, climb up into his car seat and then SIT DOWN??? That’s all I was asking him to do, but to hear me trying to nag him into actually doing it, you would have thought I was Craig trying to get me to write my master’s thesis! I was practically begging, and since I was trying to reach over from Kendra’s side of the car to help him out, I was literally on my knees for this, so it looked AND sounded like begging. In the midst of my despair of ever actually getting him buckled in and going anywhere, Bentley suddenly held his hand up against me and in his very authoritative voice commanded, “Don’t cry, Mommy.”

Sound advice if I ever heard it. I could only laugh in response. Did my two-year-old really just say that to me?


Patrice said...

Grandma B is laughing and remembering when you were a toddler! Yes, I can picture everything!!

Natalie R. said...

Oh man, we haven't had to deal with that just yet. I can't wait... ;0)

Kylee said...

That is so hilarious and yes....incredibly true! Caden does the same thing, which must be great to them because they don't have a care in the world or any concept of time. However, to a busy mom it is very frustrating. On occasional really slow days, I tell him "chop chop" which he has picked up on and now says that to me. What is a mom to do?

Anne said...

I love when babies notice we're upset. I remember one time a few months ago I thought I lost my wallet and I was telling Simon and I got sad and started crying (I know, I'm a wus) and Javi leaned over (he was in Simon's arms) and gave me a kiss. It was the sweetest thing ever. :)