Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Post-Valentine's Day Post

Craig and I didn't do much for the actual day. Our standard babysitters were out of town (we missed you guys!), and I like putting things off so I have more time to look forward to them, anyway, so that was fine. We'll probably go out for a nice dinner in a few weeks and call it a late celebration.

But I do have a story to share-- one of those "this is why our relationship works" sorts of stories.

So for Christmas, my aunt gave us a gift card to Crate & Barrel, which we decided to spend a couple weeks ago. Craig and I both had very different ideas of what we thought would be a good use for this money, so we weren't sure how we would come to an agreement. I figured we would look around, get ideas, and then discuss these ideas for the next couple of weeks until we found something we could agree on. This is actually our standard operating procedure. And while the preamble always seems like it should devolve into a big fight until one of us gets our way, the reality is that Craig and I are pretty good about not fighting over stuff like this (of course, saying so probably just jinxed our luck, but I'll say it anyway). It might take a while before we figure out what works for us, but we almost always arrive there without any angry moments along the way.

Anyway. We wandered all around Crate & Barrel looking for stuff that we wanted, needed, or just plain liked. Craig was thinking about place mats. I was thinking about a waffle maker. Or maybe one of those small mixers that you can use to make milkshakes or soups. We looked at casserole pans with lids. Cook books. Nesting bowls. There was a lot to choose from. And then out of the blue, Craig announces that he thinks we should get some good knives. I didn't even know that this was something we were considering, so I asked him to explain his reasoning.

"Well," he began, "we might make waffles twice a year. But you use our crappy knives every day. We may as well get you some nice ones that you can really use, you know?"

Why hadn't I thought of that?

So we got two lovely knives-- one is Japanese and the other is German and they're both supposed to be very well made and crazy sharp. (We also got a cake pan, but that's not what this story is about). I have to admit-- and I hope this doesn't sound too serial-killer of me-- I really love my knives. I used the big one for the first time on Valentine's Day. And it sliced through that onion like butter. I didn't realize a knife could be so sharp! It was beautiful! It was so fun cutting stuff up that when Craig tried it out, he ended up taking over and finished cutting the onion for me because he was enjoying using it so much. Because, yes, we are nerds like that, thank you very much.

The only thing I loved more than using that sharp knife was knowing that my husband knew what would make me happy better than I did. And that's pretty impressive, if you ask me.

Anything exciting or noteworthy from your Valentine's Day?


Erin said...

Good knives are essential; I'm grateful now that my mom insisted on us having good knives right away. We're still in corporate housing and the knives here are atrocious. I can't believe they even make knives so horrible. It took me 15 minutes to "chop" some onion the other day, fearing for my fingers every second. And I gave up half way through the onion because I knew I'd end up cutting off a finger if I continued. So, hooray for quality knives! Enjoy building your collection!

Jen Evans said...

I'm so impressed with your decision making process.

Alanna said...

You're lucky, Erin-- I think the only things I can remember my mom teaching me about cooking were how to brown hamburger and how to separate egg whites! Everything else has just been guess work for me!

And Jen-- we're kind of slow and boring, but it works for us!

Natalie R. said...

That's awesome, it's really great to have good knives. Ours cut okay, but they weren't comfortable and my hands would hurt by the time I was done cooking. Finally when we came to Hershey we managed to get our wedding presents out of Mom and Dad's place, and now we have some nice knives. I'm glad Craig thought of it!!!